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5-AMINO-1MQ is a small molecule that targets the NNMT enzyme, which plays a role in fat metabolism and energy production. By inhibiting NNMT, this peptide has the potential to support weight loss and improve metabolic function. It has gained popularity for its research potential in exploring obesity treatment and age-related metabolic conditions.

Who It’s For:
Researchers exploring innovative solutions for weight management, metabolic health, and age-related metabolic decline.


  • Weight Management Support: Promotes fat loss through metabolic regulation.
  • Improved Energy Production: Enhances cellular energy metabolism.
  • Potential Anti-Aging Properties: Supports research into age-related metabolic decline.
  • Metabolic Health Improvement: Investigates how NNMT inhibition impacts overall metabolic health.

Potential Side Effects:

  • Limited Research Data: As a newer compound, its long-term effects are not well-studied.
  • Potential Off-Target Effects: Possible interactions with enzymes or pathways not yet understood.

How to Use:
Typically used in laboratory settings for research purposes. Administration methods vary, and guidance from licensed professionals is essential for proper application.

This product is intended for research and educational purposes only, unless otherwise specified. Approval for use is subject to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) or relevant local regulatory authorities. Speak to a licensed healthcare professional before conducting any research.

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